Abortion: Students for Life of America Creates New Group to Expose Abortion Practices

Pro-Life Future "is a national, grassroots initiative" stemming from Students for Life of America. The April 30 press release for the group, which had a successful launch in Chicago, says it "will be a national grassroots program for young pro-lifers." Students for Life of America, as the name suggests, has many student initiatives.
This new program will provide graduates with resources for working towards the goal of ending abortion in their cities and communities.
As Brendan O'Morchoe, the Director of Pro-Life Future, mentions, the program "will start with leaders that have already been trained as students who work to support and reinforce the great pro-life work already happening in our cities."
The group's website has many helpful pages of information about the new group, resources and information on how to end abortion.
Students for Life of America, meanwhile, has continued to be busy.
The University of Hawaii has been conducting research testing if oxytocin can reduce bleeding in mothers during and after abortions. The researchers conduct testing on girls as young as 14-years old, on second trimester abortions, where the child has a fetal anomaly.
Students for Life of America is particularly troubled by how no information has been given on who is funding the study.
Kristina Hernandez, of Students for Life of America mentioned that "[m]ore than a half dozen pro-life leaders and students spoke at the rally on the campus of the University of Hawaii-Manoa." She also points out that "Hawaii has some of the most lenient abortion laws in the entire country, and a majority of legislators are pro-abortion."
Despite the state's sentiment on abortion, the group is calling on Hawaii to investigate the research study.
Students for Life of America has had success, as well.
Two North Dakota high schools had been denied club status. Students for Life of America and the legal group Thomas Moore Society got involved to ensure the clubs were recognized.
As Hernandez writes in a press release, Fargo North and Davies High School have officially recognized these Students for Life chapters.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, says that the "victory should encourage any pro-life student to fight for the right to start a Students for Life club at her school."